What are my POS options for tableside payments?

secure-table-pay-provider-point-of-sale-systemPOS options for tableside payments are not as limited as they were ten years ago. Companies continue to offer plug and play and handheld solutions to fit your restaurant’s needs. Through SecureTablePay, Evo offers receipt-less payment wherever your customers are.

What is a tableside payment system?

tableside-payments-pos-system-vendor-colorado-01Tableside payment systems provide equipment and software that lets an employee close a sale in front of customers without requiring a register. These systems range from small card readers integrated with a tablet to a handheld credit card processor.

The typical payment flow at a restaurant involves having the server hand your customer a bill. A dedicated terminal is then used to complete the sale as the waiter moves back and forth between the consumer and hardware. Tableside payments eliminate the need for a dedicated terminal.

What tableside payment options are available for my business?

Tableside payment systems are available from many POS providers. Evo, Clover, and stripe all offer options for mobile payment.
Tableside systems are relatively inexpensive compared to an overall point of sales system. They tend to cost as little as $59 to $100 for each device. Multiple devices are required to increase efficiency. If possible, each server would have their own equipment.

Our SecureTablePay system integrates with your handheld device to provide secure and simple payments without going beyond your POS. We provide integration with all major credit card solutions and a true one-to-many solution.

How can tableside payments help my business?

customer-payments-system-at-table-pos-02When a server or waiter moves between hardware and a customer, they interact with a bottleneck in your business. A single register greatly effects how many orders a restaurant processes each hour. This is particularly true at a bar or busy restaurant. Closing out customers at the end of the night is error-prone as well.

Tableside payment systems remove the impediment of having a single point of sale. Servers give customers a handheld device to completes a sale without any additional steps. Meanwhile, your servers, waiters, and bartenders free to serve other customers.

These systems are also more convenient for your customer. The National Restaurant Association found that 70 percent of surveyed customers believe technology expedites services and increases order accuracy.

How secure are tableside payment options?

Security is a major concern when implementing tableside payments. Closing the sale in front of the customer gets rid of issues related to receipts. However, these systems should implement the most up to date measures to avoid identity theft. Such measures include chip and pin systems and data encryption.

Smaller systems that work with iPads and tablets are more susceptible to viruses and malware. Hackers tend to target systems with the widest adoption. These technologies are used by more people for a variety of tasks, making them popular targets.
Smarter POS offers the most modern and acceptable security measures. We only partner with trusted ISOs as well. You still need to ensure that your network is secure. Evo offers 24/7 support from Microsoft certified professionals to help any questions you might have.

Contact us today if you are looking for a one-to-many tableside solution. We offer an all-inclusive and customizable solution amidst the sea of POS options for tableside payments.

Call Today for a Demo:

Svend Bramsoe



Bryan, Nicole. The Benefits of Tableside POS for Restaurant Owners and Servers. Food News (October 2017). Available at https://www.foodnewsfeed.com/fsr/vendor-bylines/benefits-tableside-pos-restaurant-owners-and-servers.

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